Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Things I know and remember about myself:

I like music with pianos as the main instrument.
I especially like independent female piano players/singers who write obscure, symbolic and earthy watery poem painty lyrics such as:
Tori Amos (ok, not independent artist, but in spirit)
Jennifer Terran
Terami Hirsch
Charlotte Martin
Molly Zenobia
I have a delicate heart in a very strong ribcage ( sinews bones and muscles keep me close and upright).
I like Chagall’s paintings, especially the ones with lost of blue.
I absolutely love my queen sized bed with the torn and immaculate red satin and gold patterned quilt ( thank you Ann, for giving them to me).
I just let my tea steep for way too long, and it may be too bitter to drink-I got preoccuppied, which I often do.
If I get emotionally upset, my stomach gets really upset, and my shoulders tense up and give me bad headaches, and then I just want to stay in bed all day listening to calming music.
I’m actually a brunette, but I feel like a redhead.
I believe that everyone in the world deserves to get paid for doing things they love.
I used to write songs, but I didn’t think they were good enough, so I stopped.
I hate playing and, generally, watching team sports. I get really upset, because somebody always has to lose, and nobody deserves to lose. And nobody deserves to win.
I think that if everybody was entitled to massage therapy and therapeutic/creative councelling in the same way that we are allotted basic health services and presciption drugs, then we’d all have gorgeously loved and healthy bodies and minds, thinking prettier thoughts, and we’d figure out how to solve problems without mass destruction of each other and the environment in the process.
If I do anything that I don’t want to do, specifically jobs and the like, I get physically ill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your thoughts are so much like mine have been, over the years. I know what it's like to be obsessed with dying some kind of unpredictable horrific death. That's not an abnormality, but a sensitivity, b/c we're all so fragile in this little fragile corner of the universe.
But my sense is that you're gifted as hell. I wouldn't "work" unless I enjoyed it, and I don't think that you will have to sell your soul in order that you'll survive.
So much pressure from the drug companies and the cocktails are mind-numbing (I mean they can be). But You are questioning what's right for You. There is a 'normal' amount of mania, for you. And Everyone has a certain amount of depression. Your panic will go away, it will go, I know, especially as you move to your later 20's.
Be careful of labels. Some are right, but there are a million mental health professionals who'll want to tag you with having everything other than the Disorder of "Normalcy."
Your entries are a breath air. This is ego strength, to be able to share the currents of your inner being. Anyone can blog about their life as a coin collector or whatever people think their identity is all about. But your words resonate with the people who have the ears to hear them.