Sunday, July 06, 2008

tv? Really? Hmmm...maybe a book will make me sound smart.

I have tendencies of being prolific and then being quiet. Break the spell and I'm even unproductive. That's not new. So instead of writing, I'm watching episodes of Wonderfalls. Great procrastination fodder. Truly. I was going to write about an extraordinary book I just read, "Empathy" by Sarah Schulman, which is about, yeah who would've guessed, empathy or the lack of. But, I'm not in the mood to get all essay-ee I'm still too tired. Vaguely blurry and almost hallucinatory. That's right, I'm not hallucinating, I'm being hallucinated. That's how all weirdy exhausted I am. And twitchy eye is still there too. Less, but still making itself known. I need tylenol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just realized there's probably a smattering of protected entries throughout the course of my blog that you wouldn't be privy to. hmm. do i have to make you sign up?